Evidence Based Parenting for All Families

Montessori Children's Foundation

Supported Playgroups

Facilitator Training

Program Development

Our Vision

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children and their families will be empowered to thrive during their formative years.

Our Approach

Australian Childhood Foundation Training

Whats happening

Upcoming Events

6 - 12 July 2025

Fogarty Park, Cairns, QLD 4870

11 - 13 July 2025


Lake st Cairns, QLD 4870

Find out about what is happening in the world of Indigenous Families and Children.


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Amidst the greens💚🍃

#playandlearn #playcommunityconnect #education #activiteenfant #montessori #montessorichildren #toddlerlife #mumssupportingmums #mcf #aboriginals #indegenous #cutekids #candidkids #greenday
Children having a healthy meal of fruits and egg 🍛 

#montessori #montessoriactivity #montessoritoddler #montessoriathome #mumandbubs #parenting #mealswithkids #foodforchildren #indegenouspeoplesday #firstnationaustralians #nutritioncoach
Our little on tending to the plants🪴 

Step 1: watering 💦
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What They Say

Our son has always loved the Montessori approach - its a pity we can't make it more often as he loves it.

Meleuka Masterman Parent

My son has improved so much! His language and his independance have flourished while he attended the program - thank you so much!

Manami Parent

It was great to see my daughter playing and working with other children.

Deshanti Parent